Jan 2020, a lot has happened. After numerous offers through the auction house that was dealing with the sale, the vendor has accepted an offer of £50k. I think I eventually wore him down and the sale went through without a glitch, but not without some sleepless nights and those OMG moments, usually in the middle of the night. With keys in hand, we leave for the island to formerly introduce ourselves to both the church as its new keeper and to open our doors and welcome the local community. We received a lot of very helpful advice and offers, and although the church was freezing cold, it was so lovely to hear a lot of lovely stories from people who attended the church, were married in the church, christened in the church and who very clearly still love the church. It’s becoming clearer that the church is very much still in the hearts of many who came here and one of the plans must be to make a collage on the back wall of all the christenings, weddings and special occasions that have taken place in the church over the years. It certainly has a very warm feeling to this building and this is not a building to tear apart and use for residential use, but something to be loved, restored and available again to those that would like to use her. Perhaps a community space, Champing, a place for concerts, gatherings and already we have an enquiry for a wedding to be held in the church for a local couple. Delighted at the response from everyone, and the support, just slightly panicked that we must now focus on getting the church in order, ready for her first wedding in a long time.